Apply :: CSS3 Transformation Sample


Web design

I specialize in impactful design with a pixel perfect attention to detail. I approach each website as a unique environment to immerse the user in by incorporating the latest web technologies such as CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery. Each web site is thoroughly tested for cross browser compatibility and optimal page load time across all devices including desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone.

Email design

Impact and clear message across different email clients and devices.

Emails continue to be a valuable tool for communication. With margins for marketing and sales tighter than ever, emails that are attention getting with a clear message are an indespensable tool. I am an expert in applying amazing design techniques with dynamic layouts that are consistent across email clients and devices.

Banner ads

Design to obtain qualified clicks and increase conversion.

I create banner ads that attracted the qualified click through design elements, clear message and tone. Banner ads that not only increase conversion but promote relationships are key to repeat success.

Web design

Interaction between design and front end development.

Email design

Impact and clear message across different email clients and devices.

Banner ads

Design to obtain qualified clicks and increase conversion.


Technologies that are still in the process of widespread adoption, including html5 and CSS3, are pushing front end development. I integrate these new technologies with browser compatibility and graceful degredation always at the forefront. User Interaction and User Experience are key aspects in keeping the user engaged through ease of use and an enjoyable, seamless experience. This means that web design must allow for the widest audience to view the design as expected and never break.

With the rise of popularity of mobile devices, design, now more than ever, is an integral aspect of connecting with users. I am proficient in reponsive frameworks including bootstrap and media queries to allow design to best utilize the available space.

Everything is an inspiration for graphic design. Through the merging of different styles/ideas/disciplines we create new styles/ideas/disciplines. Every day is a new chance to create something.


From initial wireframes or sketches to mockups with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to building html with front end development I create an immersive online experience. I specialize in graphic and web design; all of my design expertise is used from start to finish; all with a pixel perfect precision.

My front end development skills extend to:

  • jQuery
  • JavaScript
  • CSS3
  • html5

Integrating these tools through the lens of user experience and page load optimization is a must. Each experience has unique aspects to share and these front end tools allow for an immersive dynamic experience.

Each web site is thoroughly tested for cross browser compatibility and optimal page load time across all devices including desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone. All emails and newsletters are also built and tested across all devices and clients.

Cross browser compatibility testing on:

  • Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera

With so many new techniques, code and frameworks available, web design is evolving at a rapid pace. Truly an exciting time to create!